About me

I'm Creative Director and Designer from Moscow, working in web development and programing.

I enjoy creating different projects,so if you need help feel free to contact me!

What do i do

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    High-quality development of telegram bots at the professional level.

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    Web development

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.

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    Telegram Chanels Management

    Development of telegram chanels. Managing Advertising.

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    I make high-quality AI recognition models and chatbots.



  1. YouTube

    2010 - 2025

    Just YouTube


  1. Design Of Logos


    I create logos, color schemes and typography for a brand's identity. I have designed logos for successfull telegram chanels/bots ranging from 1000-30000 subscribers

  2. Programing


    I have created multiple projects of my own such as a telegram bot with over 1k monthly users. I can also create AI chatbots

  3. AI


    I have worked on projects related to artificial intelligence, including the development of advanced AI recognition models. Additionally, I have experience in creating AI-powered chatbots. I have also worked on the creation of AI Generation bots.


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